I’m not sure I agree with you.(同意しかねます。)
I’m afraid I don’t completely agree. (残念ながら、完全に同意はできません。)
I’m not 100% in agreement.(100%同意するわけではありません。)
I don’t think we share an opinion on this issue.(この件については、意見が一致しないようです。)
I’m not sure that’s the best idea. (それがベストアイディアか分かりません。)
I’m sorry, but I have to disagree with you.(申し訳ないですが、同意しかねます。)
I respectfully disagree. (失礼ながら同意しかねます。)
I’m not sure that’s possible. (そんなことが可能なのか分かりません。)
I see it a little differently. (私は少し違う見解です。)
意見に反対する + 自分の意見を述べるとき
I see what you’re saying, but from my perspective . . . [state opinion]
( おっしゃることはわかりますが、私の立場からすると…)
(例) I see what you’re saying, but from my perspective, our profits will increase.
That’s a fair point, but . . . [state opinion]
(例) That’s a fair point, but we need to consider the extra work involved.
I understand where you’re coming from, but . . . [state opinion]
(例) I understand where you’re coming from, but we don’t have enough data yet.
There is some truth to what you’re saying, but . . . [state opinion]
(例) There is some truth to what you’re saying, but it may not be that simple.
I respect your point, but in my opinion . . . [state opinion]
(例) I respect your point, but in my opinion, we don’t have enough time for that this quarter.
My suggestion would be to . . . [state your idea]
(例) My suggestions would be to do more research before we begin.
I would recommend that we . . . [state your idea]
(例) I would recommend that we present it to the board members next month.
An alternative solution might be . . . [state your idea]
(例) An alternative solution might be to give a higher budget to the development team.
Instead, I think we should . . . [state your idea]
(例) Instead, I think we should complete the project in several stages.
What do you think about [state your idea] instead?
(例) What do you think about starting a company-wide volunteer program instead?
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