



We’ve talked before about interesting words in various languages—from French to Arabic to Japanese.

But what about cool and unique English words? This is an English-learning site, after all!

If you’re a vocabulary lover—or a “word nerd,” as they say—this one’s for you! In this post, we take a look at some English words you’ve probably never heard before (and might never hear in casual conversation).

Some of these words are old-fashioned, others are only used in specific places, but all of them will add some fun to your vocabulary list and your pronunciation practice.

1. Agelast

→ (noun) A person who never laughs

I don’t know why I keep trying to tell you my hilarious jokes—you’re an agelast!

2. Blatherskite

→ (noun) A person who talks (blathers) a lot but doesn’t make sense

My younger sister is such a blatherskite. Most of the time, I don’t even pay attention to what she’s saying.

3. Bumfuzzle

→ (verb) To confuse someone

In elementary school, our class used to try to bumfuzzle our teacher by switching seats when she wasn’t looking.

4. Collywobbles

→ (noun) A strange feeling or pain in your stomach

She has to do an important presentation at work today and she’s had collywobbles all day.

5. Curmudgeon

→ (noun) A grumpy old person

Make sure you don’t throw your ball into the neighbour’s yard. He’s a curmudgeon and he won’t give it back to you!

6. Erinaceous

→ (adjective) Like a hedgehog

Your new haircut is . . . interesting. It gives you a very erinaceous look.

7. Hullabaloo

→ (noun) A loud mixture of noises, often when people are shouting and angry

There was a big hullabaloo at work when our manager announced the pay cuts.

8. Kakorrhaphiophobia

→ (noun) The fear of failing

I’d like to learn to play the guitar but I’ll probably never sign up for lessons because I have kakorrhaphiophobia. I’d rather not even try!

9. Lollygag

→ (verb) To fool around and waste time

You’re supposed to be at school in 20 minutes. Stop lollygagging and get dressed!

10. Macrosmatic

→ (adjective) Having a very good sense of smell

Some animals, such as dogs, pigs, and bears, are macrosmatic.

11. Nincompoop

→ (noun) A stupid or silly person

You nincompoop! You drove your car through my flower garden!

12. Poppycock

→ (noun) Nonsense; meaningless talk or writing

That old woman says she can predict the future but I think that’s poppycock.

13. Snickersnee

→ (noun) A large knife (usually one that’s used as a weapon)

This area of town is very unsafe; I always carry a snickersnee for protection.

14. Woebegone

→ (adjective) Appearing very sad or miserable

Why do you look so woebegone today? Did something terrible happen?

Give these new words a try

Next time you’re having an English conversation, try using some of these fantastic words. You’re sure to bumfuzzle your friends!

引用:14 Weird and Wonderful English Words / Andrea Byaruhanga



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